Monday, October 01, 2007



Semoga Bahagia(英文翻译:May There be Happiness)
--Music & Lyrics by Zubir Said

Sama-sama maju ke hadapan
Onward together

Pandai cari pelajaran
We should seek knowledge

Jaga diri dalam kesihatan
And keep good health

Serta sopan santun dengan kawan-kawan
Be courteous to friends

Dengan hati bersih serta suci
With sincerity and a pure heart

Sama-sama hormat dan berdud
Show mutual respect and kindness

Jaga tingkah permuda permudi
The young should always conduct themselves well

Adat dan budaya junjung tinggi
respect their customs and culture

Capailah lekas cita-cita pemudi-permuda
Fulfil their ambitions soon

Supaya kita ada harga di mata dunia
The world will then regard us highly

Kalau kita lengah serta lupa
If we are complacent and indifferent

Hidup kita sia-sia
Our lives will be empty and dull

Jiwa besar sihat serta segar
A strong and healty spirit

Rajin dengan sabar tentu bahagia
Industry and patience will lead to happiness

Lemah lembut perangai pemudi
Young ladies should conduct themselves with grace

Cergas pantas wataknya pemuda
Young men should be capable and energetic

Suka rela selalu berbakti
And volunteer their services, energies and be

Sikap yang pembela dan kerjasa
Loyal to our country

Capailah nama yang mulia permudi pemuda
The young should strive for a good reputation

Rajinlah supaya berjaya semoga bahagia
and be industrious to achieve success and happiness


王祚森 said...

"Capailah lekas cita-cita pemudi-permuda Supaya kita ada harga di mata dunia"


sunny flowery said...


我最愛很大聲地喊 "cita-cita"!

kongling said...
